Congratulations, Mayor Olivia Chow, my esteemed teacher and mentor!

I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to Olivia Chow for her successful election as the Mayor of Toronto. It is truly a remarkable achievement. Mayor Olivia Chow, I am filled with pride and admiration for your dedication to running a progressive campaign and your unwavering belief in the power of unity through your slogan “Together We Can.”

As a Distinguished Visiting Professor at Toronto Metropolitan University‘s Jack Layton Leadership School and Founder of the Institute for Change Leaders, Ms. Olivia Chow has played a pivotal role in shaping my education and community activism. Under her guidance, I have acquired invaluable skills in community organizing and leadership. Her book, “Building Skills for Change,” serves as a testament to her expertise and commitment to empowering students and community leaders alike.

I am immensely grateful to Professor Chow, who now serves as our esteemed Mayor, for granting me permission to utilize her book, “Building Skills for Change,” in my own teaching endeavors with students and community leaders. I am proud to share that since 2016, over 1,750 students from Centennial College have benefitted from this invaluable resource, utilizing it to develop their skills in community organizing and leadership. Through their dedicated efforts, they have successfully created over 437 campaigns addressing various social issues as part of their Power and Social Movements course (SSWR203).

Mayor Olivia Chow, your passion for community organizing and social justice is truly inspiring. I wholeheartedly appreciate your continued support in fostering collaboration and empowering our community to work collectively towards meaningful change.

Thank you for being an exemplary leader and a source of inspiration for us all.
Once again, congratulations on your well-deserved success as the Mayor of Toronto!

Dr. Hasan Mahbub, BSW, MSW, Ph.D.
Professor, School of Community and Health Studies, Centennial College
Contract Faculty, School of Social Work, Toronto Metropolitan University


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